Posts Tagged ‘Aubrey de Grey’

The avatars of Immortality (Thesis)

February 23, 2010

After seeing the movie below, I was completely surprised.  Why? It is so because I could clearly notify a translation of immortality concept from theology and philosophy to the realm of science. There is a new stream on science called Tranhumanism. They believe, promotes and invest important money for human nature enhancement by technologies. It is an atheistic ideology but for me it sounds quite religious. This confirms what Mircea Eliade, one great historian of Religions of the 20th C stated: human race is naturally born with religious instincts, intuitions and aspirations.

I explored this topic in Graphic Design 4, class of Mr. Lewis Nicholson.  I created a movie that presents a fictional story about what would be the world when immortal human body will be achieved.  I imagined that a drug called HB+1000 would have been created in 2057.  A very selective people were able to buy it and society segregated easily between immortals and mortals. Immortals acceded to governance and they imposed restriction on resources for mortals. The rate of poverty increased tremendously and the mortals organized Resistance.  Inevitable, a world war occurred. Billion of victims. Mortals continued to fight and to find antidotes for biological immortality.

Even this sounds too fictional, I think this topic deserves to be explored more.

Other interesting links based on the same topic

Exploring Life Extension

Do You Want To Live Forever?